Thursday, January 12, 2012

Trucking Along

This week =

Super stressed for various reasons. Trying to stay calm and find the silver lining, which has helped me not go completely crazy...but still...I will be so happy when tomorrow is over and I can enjoy the weekend!!

On a side note, I've been feeling so claustrophobic in Grand Rapids, lately. Feel like getting away to one of these lovely places....

(MAN, I'd love to be in that hammock right about now!!)

(so secluded!)


(simpler things...)

(so serene!)

(OH my goodness!!)

I could keep posting pictures like this all day...but you get the idea. I need to get away and take a break soon!!! Here's hopin' the office really takes off and I can get a raise and take one of these super secluded vacations!! =)

In the meantime, I will just keep trucking along and trying my hardest!

Have a great weekend, lovelies. Until next time....



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