Thursday, December 29, 2011

Cheers to a New Year! goes nothing!

I started this blog a few years ago, and as you can see, not much has come of it yet. I have made my life too busy for any sort of internet blogging outlet (or, for that matter, any relaxing outlet at all!) and I've made excuse after excuse as to why I needed to pay more attention to everyone around me instead of myself. But all that is going to change in 2012. Instead of my go-to "get organized, eat better, get fit" resolutions, this year is all about specifics! In years past, my goals have always been too broad. "Get organized"...sure, but how exactly?? "Eat better"...well yeah, who doesn't want to eat better!? Aaand, of course, "get fit"...that oh so cliche and overly general goal of most 20-something women. So as the new year inches ever closer, I am joining the masses and jotting down my list of resolutions. Although they all fit quite nicely under the "Live Healthier" umbrella of a goal, I have started small with the intention of gaining momentum as the year passes.

So here you list for 2012 (thus far):

1. Run 5k EVER Friday
2. No wheat or dairy
3. Eat totally raw at least one day a week
4. Yoga at least twice a week
5. Strength training at least twice a week
6. Run the River Bank Run in May
7. Take 1 entire hour for myself every day (NO interruptions, NO exceptions!)
8. Pray for at least an hour every day (again, NO interruptions, NO exceptions!)
9. Read 1 new book a month
10. No more procrastinating....EVER....NO EXCUSES!!!

And there you have it. 10 seems like a lot to start with, but I feel that they can all work harmoniously without TOO much effort or forgetfulness. =) So anyone who wants to join me and help keep me accountable, I welcome the support with open arms! And I will be happy to help support the resolutions of anyone who wants it, too!!

It's on! 2012 is going to be a year of change and personal growth for me. If it is the end of the world (teehee! ;)) I am going to live it to the fullest this year...NO EXCUSES!! You have to start somewhere, right?! So I am starting and exposed...for everyone to see and hold me accountable! Change is good. It is necessary. It is welcomed by me!! =)

So, without further rambling and stalling, ;)

Cheers to a happier, healthier year in 2012 for you all!
