Thursday, January 12, 2012

Trucking Along

This week =

Super stressed for various reasons. Trying to stay calm and find the silver lining, which has helped me not go completely crazy...but still...I will be so happy when tomorrow is over and I can enjoy the weekend!!

On a side note, I've been feeling so claustrophobic in Grand Rapids, lately. Feel like getting away to one of these lovely places....

(MAN, I'd love to be in that hammock right about now!!)

(so secluded!)


(simpler things...)

(so serene!)

(OH my goodness!!)

I could keep posting pictures like this all day...but you get the idea. I need to get away and take a break soon!!! Here's hopin' the office really takes off and I can get a raise and take one of these super secluded vacations!! =)

In the meantime, I will just keep trucking along and trying my hardest!

Have a great weekend, lovelies. Until next time....



Monday, January 9, 2012

Busy, busy, busy!

This past weekend was one filled with wonderful busy-ness! I took Saturday ALL to myself (Michael had an all day bachelor party...) and it was absolutely perfect. I had coffee/tea with a dear friend that I have not seen in months, took myself out for a delicious lunch at The Electric Cheetah (Health Hutt Salad...YUMM!), then relaxed at the office while doing a detox treatment, and lastly took myself out to see a movie (Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy ~ great movie if you want to really pay attention and think the whole time)!! More of these days are most definitely in my near future. It was simply perfect to spend some quality time with myself and my thoughts. The past 6 months have been so topsy-turvy...I felt so refreshed and centered after my date-day with myself! =)

Sunday was all about family/boyfriend time and back into my youth group leading routine. I missed these cool kids SO much!! Sometimes you don't realize how much you miss something until you have it back again and are able to enjoy it fully. My youth group kids are so special. I just love em!

Today was super productive in the office, as well. Lots of great stuff happening, I'm so excited!! Once we've got all of our ducks in a row, it's just going to EXPLODE! Look out G.R., we're comin to get'cha!

As far as a workout, I took today off. My plan is to do some light burst training tomorrow and hope it doesn't screw with my low back too much. Michael's been adjusting me differently and helping me with some stretching and light weights, and it's helping so much! I just hope I can get back to being active again soon. I'm going crazy!!

All in all, it's bee a great weekend/start of the week. I could really get used to this! ;)

Night night!



Friday, January 6, 2012


Ooook. So I had pretty grand expectations of this 30 day workout challenge....with pretty disappointing results. The day after my first "challenge day", I was experiencing some intense low back pain; I'm talking can't-even-walk-right-because-something-is-seriously-wrong kind of pain!! Needless to say, I was unable to continue on schedule with my intended 30 day challenge goal. (boohooo!!) It's a great thing I'm dating a chiropractor though, because he fixed me up in NO time!! We did some cold laser therapy, some active muscle release techniques, some good stretching, and of course some ROCKING adjustments, and my hips were feeling back to normal almost immediately! I knew I loved my chosen field for a damn good reason. ;)

So here's what I've been up to the past couple of days:
Tuesday: Day 1 of the Fitness Challenge
Wednesday: Light stretching, light yoga
Thursday: More light yoga, upper exercises with resistance bands (I did 30 reps of each with light resistance bands)
Today: My plan is to TRY to run my first 5k of the year. It is most definitely my NY resolution and I don't want to be deterred from it! If need be, I will walk some of it, but I have to start somewhere, right? =) So excited that it's GORGEOUS out today! I mean, come on....


Partly Sunny
Hi 50 °F

How often do we have sunny and 50 in January!? I'm taking full advantage and getting OUTside today. Woohoo!

Well, darlings, here's to a beautiful weekend for you all! I will be checking in and updating you on some plans that I'm formulating for my continued fitness/diet success this year! =)



Wednesday, January 4, 2012

30 Day Fat Loss/Fitness Challenge ~ Day 1

Alright ya'll,

So this year, as you know, is all about getting and staying healthy, and today is my first REAL day of effort! I thought I was starting yesterday (for whatever reason, starting on a Monday always feels more legit to me? ;)) but I was still feeling pretty congested, achy, and sick. So instead? Ohhh, I had a piece of pizza and sat around all night. Uugh, that didn't make me feel very "new year's resolution-y"!! SO! Tonight! Tonight is the night!! I'm starting a 30 day fitness/fat loss challenge by to help jump start my new healthy year, and I'm super pumped about it! If you get a chance, check this site out. It's a fantastic resource for anyone else out there who would prefer kick starting their workout at home. All of the exercises on the site are burst exercises designed to produce maximum fat burning potential in a short workout. (See what people are saying about burst training here!) I'll report back after I start and let you know my thoughts....


As promised, here are the results for my first workout for the 30 Day Fat Loss Challenge :

(Note: I modified just a couple of the exercises slightly due to doctor's push ups or crunches for me just yet! ;))

Jump Squats – 25
Side Arm Fly - 17
Burpees - 10
Knee Highs - 45
Switch Lunges - 27
Tuck Jumps - 20
Inverse Row - 20 each arm

I must say, at first I was a little disappointed in my results. I have never, in my life, been this out of shape, so it is easy to get upset and disgusted and discouraged with how far I have allowed myself to fall....but then I snapped back to reality. I am doing it NOW! I am fully committed to getting healthy, strong, and fit NOW! And I have nothing to be disappointed in! I was hoping to be able to finish more reps than I did, but I am confident and excited to see just how far I can bring myself over the next 30 days!!! It should be fun and encouraging, don't you think?! =)

It's late, I'm exhausted, and I have GOT to get to bed! Next step for me is improving my time-management skills...or lack there of.

Night lovelies!



p.s. Hooray for the first post of 2011!!! ;)